The European COST Workshop “Final TU402: Quantifying the Value of Structural Health Monitoring” was organized at CUT on the 18th and 19th of October. During the workshop the results of the various actions and studies of the specific COST network of collaborators were presented and discussed. These relate to the development and application of methods for structural health monitoring and the added value of the implementation of these methods in design and integrity management of structures and infrastructures.
Workshop participants included specialists in these areas from academia and industry from several European countries including Denmark, Switserland, Britain, Italy, Norway, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Cyprus.
Coordinators of the specific COST programme in which CUT participates is the Technical University of Denmark while the local organizers for the workshop were Professor Toula Onoufriou and Dr Constantine Michailides from the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of CUT.