
Andri Ioannou

Assistant Professor in Educational Multimedia
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Cyprus University of Technology

00357 25002276

Andri Ioannou (female) is an assistant professor at CUT (Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts – MGA) and Director of the Cyprus Interaction Research Lab (CIL). Andri has a PhD in Educational Technology from the University of Connecticut (USA) and a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus. Her research interests include STEM education, use of technology to support students’ development of 21st century skills (emphasis on collaboration and problem solving), and integration of emerging technology in all levels of education. Andri has more than 100 scientific publications on these domains, in international conferences and journals. She has been the principal investigator of the INnovative Training via Embodied Learning and multi-sensory techniques for inclusive education and [INTELed] (2017-2019), the ENGineering and Industry Innovative Training for Engineers via PBL [ENGINITE] (2017-2019), Creative Multimodal Information Spaces for Problem Based Learning (2011-2014),  PeaceTables (2011-2013), and Young Researcher Grant (2008-2010) and she has had major researcher role in another 13 national and international projects, relevant to technology-enhanced learning and teacher professional development.