An EC funded Marie Curie IEF programme INSIST (Marie Curie Intra Fellow – Stelios Yiatros from CUT with Cranfield University) is an experimental investigation on the structural stability and integrity of novel steel foam sandwich panels (SFSPs) under monotonic and cyclic loading. Metal (including steel) foams is a special type of porous metal that can combine usual metallic structural properties like plasticity and strength with low weight and enhanced energy dissipation. The initial consideration for metal foams to perform as lightweight cold formed plate components, was soon dismissed due to its poor strength in tension and a more appropriate function for metal foam as metal component was highlighted as core in sandwich structures or infill in hollow sections, exhibiting merits in buckling mitigation and energy dissipation. Despite the slow uptake of the material from the industry, a few European manufacturers started appearing which will lead to serial production and decrease in the cost. The overarching aim of this project was to initiate the assessment of the potential of steel face/steel foam core panels in stability and integrity in order to pave the way for the development of design rules for the structural engineering industry.